Ruyi Scroll Bench

c. 1850
$3,480 USD
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W: 50.0" D: 10.75" H: 18.0"
Northern Elmwood
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With no stretchers or spandrels, this low table flows like a ribbon, rounding the bend to form waterfall legs with openwork carvings. Known as a scroll table, this kind of low table was traditionally used for reading and writing atop a kang platform or daybed, or as a lute table for playing music.

The sides are carved with bold, botanical flourishes that form the outline of an auspicious ruyi, an ancient symbol for immortality and good fortune. The original black lacquer finish has faded with time to reveal the soft texture and light brown color of the northern elm (yumu) beneath. Today, this scroll table is ideal as a low bench or coffee table.

Additional Dimensions:
Table Apron to Floor: 15.5"H

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Fungus of Immortality

Originally a Daoist symbol from ancient Chinese mythology, the ruyi is an auspicious symbol that references the lingzhi fungus, also known as reishi, a mushroom with healing properties thought to ensure immortality.


What They're Saying

Andrea Goldman | Andrea Goldman Design

“Over the years, I’ve incorporated many pieces from PAGODA RED into my designs. Not only can they balance new furnishings (and often new construction) by feeling more established, but the pieces emanate a sense of rich history, often leaving you wondering where they were in a previous life. These beautiful pieces carefully hand-selected by the team at PAGODA RED, coupled with their unbelievable customer service, make them a must-have for any home.”

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